Good Times

I have a new obsession. Every week night, right about the time the house is finally clean and Sam is far off in dreamland, I like to wind down with an episode of Good Times. The show is only marginally funny at least in the second to last season that they are currently running on TVLand. The show jumped the shark when John Amos left the cast. Generalizations and obvious stereotypes by white writers aside, I am hooked simply by the nostalgia of a time I vaguely remember. I was not even in kindergarden by the time Good Times was cancelled. It is on just before the Daily Show, so it works perfectly into my late night television routine. I just thought I would share this.
Good times, little house on the praire and all in the family were my fav's. Archie Bunker is my fathers doplleganger. On good times the character willona adopts an abused child, that was a great episode. Tha was also the time of the son of sam and i remember being scared that he was gonna get my mom!!!
what kind of social work do yo do?
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