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Photo by Anne. Wall of drawings at Meditaran Resturant
Been away just letting the Obama victory sink in and watching the shoes fly at Bush. What a send off to a disastrous legacy. I have not been following the political news much lately. To depressing with the Big 3 and the rest of the economy going down. Sticking to the junk tabloid news, OJ in prison and the case of the imaginary Florida nanny. Finished my Backwater book finally, have made it to Kings in the Bible. Chronicles, Samuel, Kings; they read much like a season or two of Sopranos, only more violent and less dinning.
Had Jury duty, but the defendant plead guilty after hearing the prosecution's opening statements. Should have known better, only wealthy and powerful get away with racketeering.
Fatherhood is what has kept me away from the computer, and that is OK. However things have been a little frightening. Adele is nearing her first birthday, but she has been functioning at the level of a six month old. Our little girl is very engaging and loves to laugh, she is aware of her surroundings, full of energy but having difficulty moving her legs and arms due to apparent muscle tension She has passed a hearing test, and will be seeing optometrist and a neurologist in the upcoming month. The Early On folks are seeing her and she is getting physical and occupational therapy. Its a great service and I hope it continues to be funded. She is able to sit up know, which is something she could not do a month ago. She is improving at grabbing, but still can not raise her hands up over her head or crawl. I know other kids her age are walking now with little or no assistance. In some ways your second child can give you a bigger scare because you can not help but compare them to your first. Unfair but true. Sam was able to feed himself cake on his first birthday, we know Adele can not do this, yet.
No matter what she is loved and that is most important.
Its going to snow about eight inches tonight, just did some preliminary shoveling. Take care if you are going to have to drive in Michigan tomorrow.
Peace and Love.
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