Chili, Beer and Menudo

It was a busy and fun day today. My friend Jenny stopped by with her newborn daughter, I am so excited that our little girl is on her way. He do not have a name picked out yet, currently Rosalind is our favorite name. Still we have many to choose from. Sam did really well with the baby. He played with her and helped out. It is a good sign fr things to come. This evening we attended Anne's Aunt and Uncle's Chili and Beer party. I could not drink (much) because I am on call this weekend, and the tamales were all gone. No home made tomales for me. What a downer. There was plenty of chili and it was good. I also ate menudo. I love menudo. I don't suggest the canned stuff. You need to get the real thing. Don't knock it till you try it!
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