The Skunk and Tiger

"Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge."-Horace Mann

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ellen Goodman wrote a shocking but not surprising editorial this last Sunday. Apparently there is this new vaccine that has been very successful in preventing the virus that causes most cervical cancer (HPV). Great News Right? Well not for Tony Perkins and his gang of charlatans--the Family Research Council (FRC). They firmly stand against any preventive vaccine that would make sex safer for women. It seems eradicating diseases interferes with their abstinence ONLY program. The Religious Right would prefer a single woman to die of cancer for having premarital sex. Don't forget a woman could be married and monogamous and still be in danger of getting this virus if her husband is unfaithful. This woman is damned by the FRC and other extremist christian groups. How is it Pro-Life to allow disease to spread? Tony Perkins claims he would not inoculate his own daughter. Will someone please tell this fundamentalist father of the year that his daughter is not his property. The US is not some Christian version of Sudia Arabia. At least not while Dubya's poll numbers are this low. If his daughter desires to have adequate health care it is her God given right, no matter her age or who her dad is.
I am for abstinence but not as an absolute. Every man and woman has a right to information and the right to choose for themselves. Real research has proven abstinence ONLY education increases unsafe sexual behavior.
It is disingenuous for an organization to have "research" in their credo when they have never conducted any validated scientific research in their history. Sorry, taking skewed polls and shaking a bible is not science.

It's funny while typing this Rage Against the Machine came up on my shuffle. It's the song Township Rebellion, with the line "when ignorance reigns life is lost/shackle your minds when your bent on the cross." How fitting.


At November 14, 2005, Blogger Cheerful Robot said...

Way to rock out to Rage Against the Machine!

Should Sam be listening to that?

Ask yourself: WWPRD ("What would Pat Robertson Do)? Would he rock out to Rage Against the Machine in front of his son?

Shame on you! Sinner

At November 15, 2005, Blogger yelling_at_the_radio said...

Hey thanks for the Post. Same listens to Rage Against the Parents.

At November 15, 2005, Blogger Cheerful Robot said...

Same? Who's Same?

What if someone named their kid Same? What a name that would be!

At November 16, 2005, Blogger yelling_at_the_radio said...

Oops. Sam, my son's name is Sam. I'm suppose to remember stuff like that.


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