Author Speaks in Holland on Blackwater
I plan to read Jeremy Scahill's book Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army. Recently he visited Holland Michigan and delivered a talk about Blackwater USA, its founder, and the privatization of our military.
Check out the article at Media Mouse
According to Scahill, few people are aware of the fact that the United States military force in Iraq is supplemented by a force of an estimated 126,000 private contractors working for more than 180 companies who provide services such as feeding the military, doing their laundry, driving trucks, and security operations. There is no Congressional oversight of contractors or their activities, with Scahill explaining that contractors are indeed immune from being held legally accountable for their actions in Iraq under Paul Bremer's Order 18. Since the war started, there have been 64 courts martial of US soldiers for murder, but only two contractors have been prosecuted. Neither of these prosecutions were for conduct against Iraqis.
Blackwater was also used in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, doing the work originally intended for the National Guard.
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