I have gone from anger to disgust with George W. Bush and his ill-conceived war. Dubya's messianic view of himself and his new "secret" plans for Iran are unquestionably insane. It is frightening that both Muslim and Christian Mullahs believe that a bloody war will bring a return of their Lord. Bush made no mistake when he used the word Crusade.
I think Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks addresses the issue of Iran well:
We might be on the verge of starting World War III and everyone seems decidedly calm. The administration is thinking of dropping nuclear bombs on a Muslim country that did not attack us. What do you think Muslims throughout the world will do in reaction? Do you think they'll be calm?
If you thought they didn't like Danish cartoons, wait till you get a load of them after we start another unprovoked war in another Muslim country.
And this time we use nuclear weapons!
We are going to light this world on fire if we do this. This is not theoretical. The Washington Post is reporting that the plans have already been drawn up and the administration has been advised that it must act within a matter of months.
My God, do we have no conscience? Nuclear weapons?!!! And in a historic act of irony, we are saying we have to do this because Iran might develop nuclear weapons. Yes, God forbid they should develop nuclear weapons and consider using them on other countries - like we are about to do them!
Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot. If Iran dropped nuclear weapons on us (or Israel) in a "preventative war," we would call them barbarians and war criminals - because they would be. Well, what separates us for them?
You know what's the best way to prevent a war? Don't start one!
Read whole post at Cenk's Blog
How can you know the apocalypse is really coming soon? Countless others before you have interpreted the Bible or accepted an interpretation of another only to be wrong. Dead wrong: their errors often cost many innocent people their lives. How are you any different than those false preachers of 300, 800, or 1900 years prior? If you, who are human (and therefore fallible), are inaccurate and support a war that will kill thousands and devastate the lives of millions-with no glorious apocalypse or second coming-how are you being a Christian? Paul said to prepare yourself for the end-either yours or the world. There is nothing that humans can do to hasten the apocalypse. Whether we kill each other now or in the future.
On a further note, much of "post modern” Christian prophecy is not based on scripture but on an erroneous rapture theology which is not even 200 years old. It was John Nelson Darby
in the 1800's and it is Lahaye and Lindsey today, and it is still a lie!
How arrogant is the man who believes his generation is the last and most important!
As Christians should we not stand against war based on lies and greed?
You guys have given me ample reason to blow off work tomorrow. If my boss calls and asks why I’m not there, I’ll tell him: “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine”. . .but I refuse to work anymore because my religion teaches me to live every moment as though it were my last.
On a related note. . .Nick, you should read my friend Paul’s blog. He’s a fellow PhD student in Sociology, and he is really active in the church. He posts every once and awhile about issues of faith and about Christian books he’s reading.
His blog is called “A Skeptic’s Thoughts” and it is found here:
Just one more question Vintage_Neo, do you agree that the U.S. should base its foreign policy and its environmental policy on end time prophecies?
also when-He told His disciples that they would see the 'return of the Son of Man'- Did he not say it would be in their own generation.
In Matthew 24:34 and Luke 21:32. Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place."
And please don't give me this answer:
Some of what Jesus prophesied fits with what occurred when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Other aspects of Jesus' prophecy, however, did not occur in 70 A.D., for example Matthew 24:29-31. However, this view does not work with Jesus' statement that "all these things" will take place in "this generation." Therefore, it is best to understand "this generation" as referring to the generation in which the end times events occur.
I don't buy this. It is more speculation than interpretation. Wondering if you can find a better answer. Hope you don't think I'm being a jerk. I would just like clarification.
Thank you, Vintage. I always enjoy our discussions.
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