Steven Seagal's Energy Drink Will Kick Your Ass!
( From Agony Booth )
For those of you who haven't heard, washed-up martial arts action star Steven Seagal recently decided to branch out into the energy drink market. He's released his very own black-canned competitor to the likes of Full Throttle and Rock Star, a beverage going by the name of Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt. "While other energy drinks try to just throw a bunch of cheap caffeine and other drugs into your system," the official website declares, "Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt provides you with the TRUE ENERGY you need."
Clearly, this was the most preposterous thing anyone had ever seen or heard, judging by the number of blogs that spent several days debating whether or not it was all an elaborate hoax.
Well, I'm here to tell you it's for real. Steven Seagal, former bodyguard turned actor, who once claimed to have worked for the CIA, and who now claims to be a reincarnated Tibetan lama (though not a reincarnated llama, which is probably closer to the truth), has taken time out from his busy direct-to-video acting career and burgeoning singing career [!] to develop a brand new kind of energy drink. I know this much is true, because I've purchased and consumed exactly two (2) cans of Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt in both of its powerful flavors: "Asian Experience" and "Cherry Charge".
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